Rewards in the form of discounts and credits off a purchase are the best ways to reward participating customers in your loyalty program. However, setting up Bonus Point and Promotional Point opportunities are an excellent way to reward your customers.

Bonus Points are intended to be scheduled during the week, ideally during slow periods, to help participants to earn more points and increase foot traffic. The points are added to base points when a transaction is completed between the start and end time. If a transaction is completed when both bonus points and promotional points are offered, the higher of the two is awarded.

For instance, if your business’s sales are the lowest on Tuesdays, schedule triple points (3 points/$1) on Tuesdays from 2pm – 4pm.

Promotional Points are intended for holidays or special events and can be scheduled for any day/time during the year. Compared to Bonus Points, the time window for earning promotional points is a lot longer and can be scheduled The points are added to base points when a transaction is completed between the start and end date and time. If a transaction is completed when both bonus points and promotional points are offered, the higher of the two is awarded. 

For example, as a seasonal promotion, schedule double points (2 points/$1).